
The internet cannot function without excellent web designs that draw the reader into the site. Find out how to improve your website here.


Install mmwave Antennas To Improve Communication Across Your Business

28 September 2022
Technology, Blog

Are you looking to boost communication or data transfer speed within your business? Do you want to ensure better overall security as company information is transmitted across the grounds? These are all reasons to look into the installation of one or more mmWave antennas on your property. Here's how this type of antenna can help your business take its communication to the next level.  Higher Bandwidth Means More People Can Connect With No Issues as Your Business Grows
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Keys To Finding The Right Customer Data Platform For Your Company

28 June 2022
 Categories: Technology, Blog

If your company plans on taking customer data and using it for marketing purposes, then you'll need a customer data platform. Data will enter this program and then you can manage it however you like going forward. There are many options but if you follow these suggestions, you can find a platform that makes managing customer data user-friendly. Experiment With Different Platforms in Real-Time Customer data platforms can vary in a number of ways, such as how they're laid out, the features they come with, and how data can be organized.
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What’s The Difference Between Cloud Computing Options?

22 April 2022
 Categories: Technology, Blog

Are you looking to use cloud computing for your business, but you're not sure which is the best way to do it? It can help to know the differences between three possible cloud computing options so that you can make a more informed decision.  Public Cloud A public cloud is what most people think about when they refer to the cloud. It is typically a service that you pay for on-demand, and it is a great way to use apps that your employees need every single day.
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Why Your Medical Practice Needs Outsourced Coding Services

25 January 2022
 Categories: Technology, Blog

No matter the size of your medical practice, there's going to be some patient billing and recordkeeping to address. For many medical practitioners, this aspect of the practice is challenging at best. That's why many medical care providers decide to work with a firm to handle their medical coding and billing services. If you're wondering whether or not this is the right choice for your practice, here's a look at a few of the things that you need to think about.
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Why Point-To-Point Internet Can Be A Good Idea For Home Internet

2 September 2021
 Categories: Technology, Blog

Point-to-point internet is very popular on college campuses, in large commercial buildings, and in other public places. You might not think that it's popular for home use, but the truth is that point-to-point internet, which is an internet service that involves having multiple access points instead of just one, can actually be great for residential purposes. These are some of the reasons why point-to-point internet can be a good idea for home internet and why you might want to consider it for your own home internet connection.
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About Me
Learning about Web Design

Hi there, my name is Erica Silvan. Welcome to my site about web design. The internet cannot function without excellent web designs that draw the reader into the site. Quality websites encourage visitors to stick around and read or interact with all of the information on each page. I will use this site to explore the design elements that work best at keeping visitors on the page. I will also explore the various ways web design has evolved over the years. I invite you to use the information on my site to improve your website over the years. Thanks for coming by.
